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更多 发布于:2016-04-04 16:28


Are you always hungry? Here are the four possible reasons why.你总是感觉到饿吗?这里总结了四种原因。

WE all have those days where no matter how much you eat, you’re never totally satisfied.总有那么几天不管我们吃多少都不觉得满足。

But before you reach for yet another salty snack or sweet treat, these reasons for constant hunger might give you some food for thought.但是在你开始吃另外一个咸小吃或是甜食的时候,这些引起你不断饥饿的原因或许可以给你思考的动力。

Too many carbs太多的碳水化合物

These three words are every food-lover’s worst nightmare — but it turns out that unfortunately there is such a thing as too many carbs.这3个词或许是每个吃货的噩梦——但是,不幸的是:碳水化合物过量是确信无疑的事实。

Shona Wilkinson, Nutritionist at NutriCentre, explains: “Eating a carbohydrate-heavy meal the night before can be a reason for feeling hungry the next day, even after eating! When we eat lots of carbohydrates in one sitting, they are absorbed quickly into the body as sugars.”营养中心的营养学家修纳·威尔金森解释说:“前一晚摄入含有大量碳水化合物的食物,会使你第二天即使吃过东西后仍然感觉到饥饿。假如我们摄入了大量的碳水化合物,那么他们会以糖的形式被吸收。”

You need to spend longer in bed你需要在在床上待久一些

With many of us working long hours and maintaining a busy social life, it can be easy to miss out on crucial hours of sleep. But while not getting enough sleep obviously makes you tired, you might not realise it can also make you hungry.我们中很多人每天都会忙好几个小时的工作,以及保持着忙碌的社交生活,以至于我们都会错过关键的睡眠时刻。但是在没有充足睡眠的情况下我们很容易显得很疲惫,你或许没有注意到这也会让你感觉到饥饿。

You don’t drink enough水分补充不足

We all know we’re meant to drink eight glasses of water a day — but sometimes thirst can actually be mistaken for hunger. Plenty of us are too quick to interpret thirst as needing a snack, when actually we’re just craving water.我们都知道,自己一天要喝八杯水,但是口渴有时候很容易会被当成是饥饿。很多人很快会把口渴理解成为需要马上补充零食,事实上我们只是需要喝水而已。

You’re getting your period“大姨妈”驾到的时候

It’s a cliche that women love to eat chocolate during their time of the month — but the stereotypes could be based on truth, as women’s appetites are known to increase in the lead up to their period.女人喜欢在大姨妈来的时候吃巧克力?这纯属无稽之谈,但这种偏见也不是空穴来风,因为女人在经期的时候确实是胃口大增。


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  • 社区明星
  • 发帖能手
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发布于:2016-04-04 19:52
