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  • 来自北京市 县 密云县
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更多 发布于:2022-07-15 15:06



例1: Many people believe that we have developed into a “throw-away society”.

例2: While there are benefits and drawbacks to a multicultural society, it is safe to say that the pros outweigh the cons. (While引导状语从句,that引导宾语从句)

例3: Traditionally, the approach has been to punish criminals by placing them in prisons to pay for what they have done.(介宾结构)


例1: If a person loses a job but can get assistance, or a minority still has an equal opportunity of success, then we can say this country is advanced.

例2: While people traditionally prioritize caring, sharing and generosity in life and work, modern people seem to be more self-absorbing and self-concerned.

例3: In fact, prolonging jail term will take away their opportunities of being a good citizen when they realized their faults.




Those who......,  ......的人....
Students who.....,  ......的学生.....
Children who.....,   .......的孩子.....

例1: Those who feel that sports stars’ salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent are very few.
例2: Students without teachers will surely be lost; but students who simply rely on teachers for knowledge aren’t really learning.
例3: Children who enter school at an early age are generally more confident and independent than children who stay at home with their parents.

2) that引导,修饰“物”

例1: Economics is a fundamental discipline that allows societies to be stable and move forward.
例2: How to handle criminals is a problem that all countries and societies face.

3)which 引导的非限制定于从句

例1: Demand for various commodities creates a huge market for the local and international businesses, which in turn increase demand for the labor market.
例2: Children tend to imitate what they have seen and heard on mass media, which is sometimes dangerous and harmful.


  用that 或wh-词引导的从句作为主句的主语从句。在写作中我们只需要会写三四种主语从句就可

1)whether 引导的主语从句

例1: Whether the increase of fuel price can solve the world’s environment problem is a controversial issue.


例1: It is obvious that we are living in an information age.

(当然,这种结构也可以改为That引导的主语从句,That we are living in an information age is obvious.)
例2: It is universally acknowledged that water and air are indispensable to human beings.

3) what引导的主语从句


例1: What government should do is to create policies to encourage low carbon development.
例2: What companies and workforces need are not robots, but creative people who can contribute ideas.


  同位语从句实际上是that前名词的解释或具体内容,that 在这里相当于破折号的作用。

例1: Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the phenomenon that our children are spending more time watching TV.
例2: The fact that we have different languages demonstrates that we have different cultures.
例3: I agree with the view that not only governments but every single citizen should do one’s part to fix this problem.



   例1: This is because it is the rich and powerful people in our society who are able to impose changes.
   例2: Another reason for this is that old buildings, like native language, from a cultural identity and keep a unique record of a country.
   例3: That is why there is an increasing number of Asian immigrants in western countries.



1)There be句型

例1: There is hardly enough time for students to spend in discussing moral issues, which is not directly related to their study.

2)否定词及含有否定意义的副词或词组置于句首时,引起部分倒装,如never、not only....but also、by no means、on no account、under no circumstances等

例1:Under no circumstances should youngsters follow negative information on mass media blindly.
例2: Not only does studying in school serve academic purpose, but students learn how to handle interpersonal relations.


 常见,only by doing... 、only in this way...... 、only when..... 、only if....

例1: Only in this way can the problem be tackled properly.
例2: Only when children take arduous efforts can they become successful.
例3: Only if I get a job will I have enough money to get the camera.


常用的强调结构是"It is (was)+被强调部分(主语、宾语或状语)+who (that)..."。一般说来,被强调部分指人时,用who;指事物时用that,但that也可以指人。

注意:将句子中的it is / was …that同时省去,句子仍然成立的情况下,才是强调句,否则是上文提到的It is....that的主语从句。

例1: It is for the benefit of maintaining the ecological balance that human beings ought to protect the endangered animal species.
例2: It is stability that destroys people’s ambition and barricades people’s steps.


1)suggest, commend, propose, recommend, assume等表示建议、提议、假设的动词后的宾语从句中,要求使用虚拟语气,谓语形式为“should+动词原形”

例1: I assume that parents management and media responsibility should be regarded as the two main reasons and measures suggested above should be taken to avoid young people committing crime.
例2: I suggest that you should try to understand him.

2) It is high/about time that....后面跟虚拟语气,谓语动词通常用一般过去式,有时也用 sb should do sth结构,意为“该是做.....的时候了”

例1: It’s high time that we stopped cutting down the rainforest.
例2:It is time that we put considerable emphasis on environmental deterioration.

 3) It would be a good idea if sb could do sth结构

例1: To address this issue, it would be a good idea if parents could accompany their children in more occasions and communicate with them regularly in order to guide them far away from guilty.

4) 常用于主语从句,“It is+形容词/名词/过去分词+that sb should do sth”。适用的词包括:

形容词:advisable、essential、fundamental、necessary、urgent、 vital、imperative
名词:a pity、a shame、no wonder that

例1: It is essential that these application forms should be sent as early as possible.
例2: It is imperative that the government should attract more investment into shipbuilding industry.




A. 分词作定语和所修饰的词有逻辑上的主谓关系,现在分词-ing一般表示正在发生的动作或主动关系,过去分词表示已经发生的动作或被动意义。

例1: the girl standing there 站在那儿的女孩
例2: the building completed 3 years ago三年前竣工的房子

B. 不定式做定语,通常表示未发生的动作,且常后置

例:The topic to be discussed at the meeting is still known. 将要讨论的话题




例1: Having finished the homework, I went out for some pastimes.
例2: Given more time, I could write the composition better.
例3: To give the teacher a good impression, I decided to sit in the front row.



例1: Time permitting (=If time permits), we’d better have a meeting this afternoon.
例2: There being no cause of alarm, the old man went back to his room.
例3: Money permitting, I think the time after high school is the most suitable.

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  • 最后登录2024-03-09
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发布于:2022-10-08 14:49
