The ____of scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed in understanding the universe.A essence B content C texture D threshold

2011-12-13 20:46 来自版块 - 

He cannot go without wine even for one day;he is a complete slave ____to drink.

2010-03-13 22:38 来自版块 - 

还是介词题1,The rock and roll music appeals especially_____young people.2,I'd like to talk your offer____with my wife before deciding whethe... 全文

2010-01-29 20:36 来自版块 - 

以下几个空填什么介词?拜托了1,They engaged_____a serious discussion for several hours without reaching any important decisions.2, We hope all childre... 全文

2010-01-28 09:06 来自版块 - 

这道高考题一直没明白:The CDs are on sale!Buy one and you get ____completely free.A other B others C one D ones

2009-07-21 14:09 来自版块 - 

38,重组类型指不同于两个亲本而非指F1 指表现型不同而非基因型39,由精子,卵细胞直接发育成的个体均为单倍体,无论几个染色体组40,植物果皮,种皮表现为母本性状,属于核遗传41,血Ca2+高时,神经肌肉兴奋性降低,肌无力; 血Ca2+低时,神经肌肉兴奋性... 全文

2009-06-19 22:17 来自版块 - 

参考书上有这么一句,搞不明白: 把DNA上某基因切下,应切四个切口,产生四个黏性末端

2009-05-16 20:41 来自版块 - 


2009-05-16 20:26 来自版块 - 

I wonder how many years ago____.A did your father retire B your father retiredC has your father retired D your father has retired

2009-04-26 20:18 来自版块 - 

某人腰椎部因受外伤造成右侧下肢运动瘫痪,但有感觉,该病人受损伤的部位可能是在反射弧的 1传入神经 2传出神经 3感受器 4神经中枢 5效应器A 2,4 B1,4 C 1,2 D2,5

2009-04-18 22:02 来自版块 - 

---I hope you enjoyed yourself at Susan's birthday party.---How do you know I went to her party?I remember I____you.A don't tell ... 全文

2009-04-11 22:44 来自版块 - 

New Zealand has ___beautiful scenery and tourism is now ___big industry,attractingmillions of tourists every year.A /;a B a;/ C a;a D /;... 全文

2009-04-05 20:12 来自版块 - 

对于定量气体,可能发生的过程是A等压压缩,温度降低 B 等温吸热,体积不变 C 放出热量,内能增加 D绝热压缩,内能不变

2009-03-24 15:53 来自版块 - 


2009-03-21 22:21 来自版块 - 

---What is Mary doing over there?---She is removing dust from the carpet by____it.A beating B striking C knocking D hitting

2009-03-07 21:41 来自版块 - 

Many difficulties have___as a result of the change over to a new type of fuel.A raised B risen C arisen D arose

2009-03-07 21:39 来自版块 - 

When the nurse took the patient's temperature,it was three degrees above____.A ordinary B regular C normal D average

2009-03-07 21:36 来自版块 - 

I lay in the sofa,enjoying the beautiful music John____out of his DVD.A had come B had coming C had it come D had it coming

2009-02-28 19:55 来自版块 - 




