[附件][ 本帖最后由 lanseningmeng 于 2008-5-30 22:37 编辑 ]

2008-05-30 22:32 来自版块 - 

1 I A in shanghai for a week on business.It was really warm there .A was B have been C had been D have gone2 So ... 全文

2008-05-28 22:25 来自版块 - 


2008-05-26 23:51 来自版块 - 

设双曲线C1的方程x²/a²-y²/b²=1(a﹥0,b﹥0) A,B为其左,右两个顶点,P是双曲线C1上的任意一点,引QB⊥PB,QA⊥PA,AQ与BQ交于点Q⑴求Q点的轨迹方程⑵设⑴中所求轨迹为C2,C1、C2的离心率分别为e1,e2当e1≥√2,求e2的取值范围

2008-05-26 22:21 来自版块 - 

镁铁合金12.8g溶于足量硝酸中待合金全溶解后,加入过量的NaOH溶液,得到沉淀28.1g,再将合金溶于硝酸时放出的气体溶于水,需通入标准状况下O2的体积约为( B )A4.48L B5.04L ... 全文

2008-05-12 23:20 来自版块 - 

1 Could you please tell me where you bought the shoes you C yesterday?A tried on B put on C had on D pulled on (我选B... 全文

2008-05-03 18:52 来自版块 - 

1Under the present system , state enterprises must ____ all profits to the government .A turn down B turn up C turn ... 全文

2008-05-03 18:30 来自版块 - 


2008-04-28 00:48 来自版块 - 

In recent years , studying abroad has been popular , more and more senier high school students are going abroad for study ... 全文

2008-04-26 19:51 来自版块 - 

原子在不停地做热运动,为了能高精度地研究孤立原子的性质,必须使他们几乎静止下来并能在一个小的空间区域停留一段时间.例如:纳米技术中需要移动或修补分子.科学家已发明了一种称为“激光制冷”的仪器,原理如下:在一个真空室内,一束非常准直的Na-23(原子束通过样品在1000K高温下蒸发... 全文

2008-04-23 00:06 来自版块 - 


2008-04-22 22:57 来自版块 - 
