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更多 发布于:2013-11-28 20:25

From Scripture, we learn of the miracle of restoration.  “You who have made me see many troubles and calamities will revive me again.  From the depths of the earth you will bring me up again.  You will increase my greatness and comfort me again.”

 Secretary Hagel, General Dempsey, members of our Armed Forces and most of all, the survivors who bear the wounds of that day and the families of those we lost, it is an honor to be with you here again to remember the tragedy of twelve Septembers ago  -- to honor the greatness of all who responded and to stand with those who still grieve and to provide them some measure of comfort once more.  Together we pause and we pray and we give humble thanks -- as families and as a nation -- for the strength and the grace that from the depths of our despair has brought us up again, has revived us again, has given us strength to keep on.

 We pray for the memory of all those taken from us -- nearly 3,000 innocent souls.  Our hearts still ache for the futures snatched away, the lives that might have been -- the parents who would have known the joy of being grandparents, the fathers and mothers who would have known the pride of a child’s graduation, the sons and daughters who would have grown, maybe married and been blessed with children of their own.  Those beautiful boys and girls just beginning to find their way who today would have been teenagers and young men and women looking ahead, imagining the mark they’d make on the world.  

 They left this Earth.  They slipped from our grasp.  But it was written, “What the heart has once owned and had, it shall never lose.”  What your families lost in the temporal, in the here and now, is now eternal.  The pride that you carry in your hearts, the love that will never die, your loved ones’ everlasting place in America’s heart.

 We pray for you, their families, who have known the awful depths of loss.  And in the quiet moments we have spent together and from the stories that you've shared, I'm amazed at the will that you've summoned in your lives to lift yourselves up and to carry on, and to live and love and laugh again.

 Even more than memorials of stone and water, your lives are the greatest tribute to those that we lost.  For their legacy shines on in you -- when you smile just like him, when you toss your hair just like her, when you foster scholarships and service projects that bear the name of those we lost and make a better world.  When you join the firehouse or you put on the uniform or you devote yourself to a cause greater than yourself, just like they did, that's a testimony to them.  And in your resilience you have taught us all there is no trouble we cannot endure and there is no calamity we cannot overcome.

 We pray for all those who have stepped forward in those years of war -- diplomats who serve in dangerous posts, as we saw this day last year in Benghazi, intelligence professionals, often unseen and unheralded who protect us in every way -- our men and women in uniform who defend this country that we love.

 Today we remember not only those who died that September day.  We pay solemn tribute to more than 6,700 patriots who have given their full measure since -- military and civilians.  We see their legacy in the friendships they forged, the attacks they prevented, the innocent lives they saved and in their comrades in Afghanistan who are completing the mission and who by the end of next year will have helped to end this war.

 This is the path that we've traveled together.  These are the wounds that continue to heal.  And this is the faith in God and each other that carries us through, that restores us and that we summon once more each time we come to hallowed ground -- beside this building or in a Pennsylvania field or where the towers once stood.  Here, in such moments of grace, we are renewed.  And it is here that we reaffirm the values and virtues that must guide us.  

 Let us have the strength to face the threats that endure, different though they may be from 12 years ago, so that as long as there are those who would strike our citizens, we will stand vigilant and defend our nation.

 Let us have the wisdom to know that while force is at times necessary, force alone cannot build the world we seek.  So we recommit to the partnerships and progress that builds mutual respect and deepens trust and allows more people to live in dignity, prosperity and freedom.

 Let us have the confidence in the values that make us American, which we must never lose, the shining liberties that make us a beacon of the world; the rich diversity that makes us stronger, the unity and commitment to one another that we sustain on this National Day of Service and Remembrance.

 And above all, let us have the courage like the survivors and families here today to carry on, no matter how dark the night or how difficult the day.  “You who have made me see many troubles and calamities will revive me again.  And from the depths of the earth you will bring me up again.  You will increase my greatness and you will comfort me again.”

 May God bless the memory of those that we lost.  May he comfort you and your families and may God bless these United States of America.  (Applause.)
  • 粉丝94
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发布于:2013-11-28 20:28
惜时如金 却又。。。。。。。。。。。视金钱如粪土
  • 粉丝94
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发布于:2013-11-28 20:28
惜时如金 却又。。。。。。。。。。。视金钱如粪土
  • 粉丝339
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  • 铜币9814枚
  • 贡献值214点
  • 好评度456
  • 来自江苏省 连云港市 赣榆县
  • 最后登录2015-09-23
  • 发帖能手
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  • 幽默大师
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  • 师恩难忘
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  • 发帖天才
  • 20天大作战[2014]
  • 勇不止步[春]
发布于:2013-11-28 20:49
  • 粉丝281
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  • 师恩难忘
  • 发帖能手
  • 社区明星
  • 勇不止步[夏]
发布于:2013-11-28 22:05

From Scripture, we learn of the miracle of restoration. 从《圣经》中,我们学习恢复的奇迹。“You who have made me see many troubles and calamities will revive me again. “你曾经让我看到许多麻烦和灾难将我救活。From the depths of the earth you will bring me up again. 从地球深处的你又会给我。You will increase my greatness and comfort me again.”你将���增加我的伟大和安慰我了。”

Secretary Hagel, General Dempsey, members of our Armed Forces and most of all, the survivors who bear the wounds of that day and the families of those we lost, it is an honor to be with you here again to remember the tragedy of twelve Septembers ago -- to honor the greatness of all who responded and to stand with those who still grieve and to provide them some measure of comfort once more. 部长哈格尔登普西将军,我们的军队和最重要的是,那天的幸存者忍受伤口和那些我们失去的家庭,这是一个荣幸与你们再一次记住十二以往前的悲剧——纪念伟大的回应,站在那些仍然伤心并提供他们一些安慰。Together we pause and we pray and we give humble thanks -- as families and as a nation -- for the strength and the grace that from the depths of our despair has brought us up again, has revived us again, has given us strength to keep on.我们暂停,我们一起祈祷,我们称谢谦卑——家庭和作为一个国家的力量和优雅的深处我们绝望了起来,再次复兴我们,给了我们力量继续。

We pray for the memory of all those taken from us -- nearly 3,000 innocent souls. 我们祈求的记忆那些来自美国——近3000无辜的灵魂。Our hearts still ache for the futures snatched away, the lives that might have been -- the parents who would have known the joy of being grandparents, the fathers and mothers who would have known the pride of a child’s graduation, the sons and daughters who would have grown, maybe married and been blessed with children of their own. 期货夺走我们的心仍然疼痛,可能是生活,父母会知道的喜悦被爷爷奶奶,父亲和母亲就会知道孩子的毕业的骄傲,儿子和女儿谁会增加,也许结婚了,有自己的孩子。Those beautiful boys and girls just beginning to find their way who today would have been teenagers and young men and women looking ahead, imagining the mark they’d make on the world.那些美丽的男孩和女孩刚刚开始找到今天会是青少年和青年男女展望未来,想象���们会让在世界。

They left this Earth. 他们离开这个地球。They slipped from our grasp. 他们脱离了我们的掌控。But it was written, “What the heart has once owned and had, it shall never lose.但这是写:“心脏曾经拥有了,它永远不会失去。” What your families lost in the temporal, in the here and now, is now eternal. “你的家庭失去了时间,现在,现在是永恒的。The pride that you carry in your hearts, the love that will never die, your loved ones’ everlasting place in America’s heart.你把心里的骄傲,永不凋谢的爱,你爱的人永远的在美国的心。

We pray for you, their families, who have known the awful depths of loss. 我们为你祈祷,他们的家庭,他们已经知道损失的可怕的深渊。And in the quiet moments we have spent together and from the stories that you've shared, I'm amazed at the will that you've summoned in your lives to lift yourselves up and to carry on, and to live and love and laugh again.在安静的时刻我们一起度过和你共享的故事,真令我惊讶,你召集在提升自己,继续生活,生活和爱笑了。

Even more than memorials of stone and water, your lives are the greatest tribute to those that we lost. 甚至比纪念碑的石头和水,你的生活是最大的向那些我们输了。For their legacy shines on in you -- when you smile just like him, when you toss your hair just like her, when you foster scholarships and service projects that bear the name of those we lost and make a better world. 遗留的照耀在你微笑时,就像他一样,当你把你的头发和她的一样,当你培养奖学金和服务项目,承担那些我们失去的名称,使一个更美好的世界。When you join the firehouse or you put on the uniform or you devote yourself to a cause greater than yourself, just like they did, that's a testimony to them. 当你加入消防队或你穿上制服,或者你把自己原因大于自己,和他们一样,这是一个见证。And in your resilience you have taught us all there is no trouble we cannot endure and there is no calamity we cannot overcome.和韧性你教会了我们所有人没有问题我们无法忍受,没有灾难我们无法克服。

We pray for all those who have stepped forward in those years of war -- diplomats who serve in dangerous posts, as we saw this day last year in Benghazi, intelligence professionals, often unseen and unheralded who protect us in every way -- our men and women in uniform who defend this country that we love.我们祈求所有人向前走在那些年的战争——外交官在危险的帖子,去年我们看到今天在班加西,情报专家,常常看不见的和未被承认的保护我们在各方面,我们的男女军人保卫这个国家,我们的爱。

Today we remember not only those who died that September day. 今天我们不仅记住那些死于9月的那一天。We pay solemn tribute to more than 6,700 patriots who have given their full measure since -- military and civilians. 我们庄严的向超过6700爱国者给以来的全面衡量,军事和平民。We see their legacy in the friendships they forged, the attacks they prevented, the innocent lives they saved and in their comrades in Afghanistan who are completing the mission and who by the end of next year will have helped to end this war.我们看到他们遗留在友谊伪造,他们阻止的攻击,他们拯救了无辜生命和同志们在阿富汗完成使命和是谁到明年年底将有助于结束这场战争。

This is the path that we've traveled together. 这是我们一起旅游的道路。These are the wounds that continue to heal. 这些伤口继续治疗。And this is the faith in God and each other that carries us through, that restores us and that we summon once more each time we come to hallowed ground -- beside this building or in a Pennsylvania field or where the towers once stood. 这是对上帝的信仰,彼此,我们通过,恢复我们,我们再次召唤每一次我们来块圣地——这座大楼旁边或者在宾夕法尼亚州的空地或在塔曾经矗立的地方。Here, in such moments of grace, we are renewed. 在这里,在这样的时刻,我们是新的。And it is here that we reaffirm the values and virtues that must guide us.在这里,我们重申必须引导我们的价值观和美德。

Let us have the strength to face the threats that endure, different though they may be from 12 years ago, so that as long as there are those who would strike our citizens, we will stand vigilant and defend our nation.让我们有力量去面对持续的威胁,尽管他们可能从12年前不同,所以只要���那些打击我们的公民,我们要警惕,保卫我们的国家。

Let us have the wisdom to know that while force is at times necessary, force alone cannot build the world we seek. 让我们有智慧知道有时是必要的,虽然力量,力量无法建立我们所寻求的世界。So we recommit to the partnerships and progress that builds mutual respect and deepens trust and allows more people to live in dignity, prosperity and freedom.所以我们再次重申在合作与进步,构建相互尊重、加深信任和允许更多的人生活在尊严、繁荣和自由。

Let us have the confidence in the values that make us American, which we must never lose, the shining liberties that make us a beacon of the world; the rich diversity that makes us stronger, the unity and commitment to one another that we sustain on this National Day of Service and Remembrance.让我们有信心使我们美国的价值观,我们决不可失去,闪亮的自由,使我们世界的灯塔;丰富的多样性,使我们变得更强,团结和彼此的承诺,我们维持这个国家纪念日的。

And above all, let us have the courage like the survivors and families here today to carry on, no matter how dark the night or how difficult the day. 最重要的是,让我们有勇气像幸存者和家庭今天在这里进行,无论多么黑暗的当天晚上或多么困难。“You who have made me see many troubles and calamities will revive me again. “你曾经让我看到许多麻烦和灾难将我救活。And from the depths of the earth you will bring me up again. 从地球深处的你又会给我。You will increase my greatness and you will comfort me again.”你将会增加我的伟大,你会安慰我了。”

May God bless the memory of those that we lost. 愿上帝保佑那些我们失去的记忆。May he comfort you and your families and may God bless these United States of America. 可能他安慰你和你的家人,愿上帝保佑美利坚合众国。(Applause.)(掌声)
  • 粉丝436
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  • 好评度810
  • 来自上海市 市辖区 浦东新区
  • 最后登录2018-03-15
  • 勇不止步[春]
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  • 20天大作战[2014]
  • 发帖能手
  • 幽默大师
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  • 发帖天才
  • 师恩难忘
  • 最爱沙发
  • 忠实会员
  • 社区居民
发布于:2013-11-28 22:06
  • 粉丝436
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  • 贡献值722点
  • 好评度810
  • 来自上海市 市辖区 浦东新区
  • 最后登录2018-03-15
  • 勇不止步[春]
  • 社区明星
  • 20天大作战[2014]
  • 发帖能手
  • 幽默大师
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  • 发帖天才
  • 师恩难忘
  • 最爱沙发
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  • 社区居民
发布于:2013-11-28 22:07
  • 粉丝281
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  • 铜币11174枚
  • 贡献值994点
  • 好评度186
  • 来自
  • 最后登录2015-08-30
  • 贴图大师
  • 20天大作战[2014]
  • 社区居民
  • 忠实会员
  • 师恩难忘
  • 发帖能手
  • 社区明星
  • 勇不止步[夏]
发布于:2013-11-28 22:07
  • 粉丝436
  • 关注259
  • 发帖数3893
  • 铜币7762枚
  • 贡献值722点
  • 好评度810
  • 来自上海市 市辖区 浦东新区
  • 最后登录2018-03-15
  • 勇不止步[春]
  • 社区明星
  • 20天大作战[2014]
  • 发帖能手
  • 幽默大师
  • 贴图大师
  • 发帖天才
  • 师恩难忘
  • 最爱沙发
  • 忠实会员
  • 社区居民
发布于:2013-11-28 22:08
  • 粉丝281
  • 关注191
  • 发帖数1240
  • 铜币11174枚
  • 贡献值994点
  • 好评度186
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  • 贴图大师
  • 20天大作战[2014]
  • 社区居民
  • 忠实会员
  • 师恩难忘
  • 发帖能手
  • 社区明星
  • 勇不止步[夏]
发布于:2013-11-28 22:08
