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更多 发布于:2019-09-07 10:00
九年级英语 Unit3《Could you please tell me where the restrooms
stamp n. 邮票
rush v.&n. 仓促;急促
suggest v. 建议;提议
mail v. 邮寄 n. 邮件;信件
convenient adj. 便利的;方便的
1. used to 过去常常
2. be afraid of 害怕
3. From time to time 时常;有时
4. turn red 变红
5. take up 开始做
6. deal with 对付;应付
7. not…anymore 不再
8. tons of attention 很多关注
9. worry about 担心
10. be careful 当心
11. hang out 闲逛
12. give up 放弃
13. thank about 考虑
14. a very small number of… 极少数的……
15. be alone 独处
16. give a speech 做演讲
①构成:连接词+ 主语+ 谓语
②由 that 引导,表示陈述意义,另外 that 可省略
He says (that) he is at home. 他说他在家里。
③由 if , whether 引导,表示一般疑问意义(带有是否、已否等意思)
I don't know if / whether Wei Hua likes fish. 我不知道韦华是否喜欢鱼。
Do you know what he wants to buy? 你知道他想要买什么吗?
He says (that ) he is at home. 他说他在家里。
She wants to know if I have finished my homework. 她想要知道我是否已经
He said (that) he was at home. 他说他在家里。
She wanted to know if I had finished m homework. 她想要知道我是否已经完
2. get v. 得到、买、到达
3. make a telephone call 打电话
4. save money 省钱、存钱
5. ①问路常用的句子:
Do you know where is … ?
Can you tell me how can I get to …?
Could you tell me how to get to …?
②Can/Could/Will/Would you please tell me sth. 表示十分客气地询问事情
③Could you tell me how to get to the park? 请你告诉我怎么才能去邮局好
上面句子中的 how to get to the park 是疑问词与动词不定式连用,用作宾语,
但不是宾语从句(这一点要搞清楚,它不是宾语从句),相当于 how I can get to the
I don't know how to solve the problem ==I don't know how I can solve the
problem. 我不知道如何解决这个问题
Can you tell me when to leave? ==Can you tell me when I will leave? 你能告
6. 日常交际用语:
take the elevator / escalator to the … floor.乘电梯/自动扶梯到…楼
turn left / right == take a left / right 向左/ 右转
go straight 向前直走(straight 这个词经常考)
7. next to 旁边、紧接着(常见短语)
Lily is next to Ann. 莉莉就在安的旁边。
8. between … and… 在…和…之间(重中之重...)
Lily is between Ann and Tom. 莉莉就在安和汤姆的之间。
9. decide to do 决定做…(重点用法,记着 decide 后面要用不定式 to do)
She decided to go to have lunch. 她决定去吃午餐。
make a decision 做个决定(常见短语)
10. Is that a good place to hang out? 那是不是一个闲荡的好地方?
上面句子中的 to hang out 修饰前面的名词 place,是不定式作定语。
如 There are something to eat. 这有吃的东西。 句子中的 to eat 修饰代词
11. kind of +adj/adv. 译为“有点、一点”(常见短语)
She is kind of shy. 她有点害羞。
12. expensive 贵的 反义词 inexpensive 不贵的
13. crowded 拥挤的 (这个有时候会考) 反义词 uncrowded 不拥挤

14. take a vacation == go on a vacation 去度假
15. dress up 打扮 dress up as 打扮成
He wanted to dress up as Father Christmas. 他想要打扮成圣诞老人。
16. on the beach 在海滩上,介词用 on
17. politely adv. 有礼貌地 polite adj. 有礼貌的
18. depend on :根据、依靠、依赖、决定于
Living things depend on the sunlight.生物对阳光有依赖性。
That depends on how you did it. 那决定于你怎样做这件事。
19. prefer 动词,更喜欢、宁愿。 常用的结构有:
prefer sth. 更喜欢某事 I prefer English. 我更喜欢英语。
prefer doing/ to do 宁愿做某事 I prefer sitting/ to sit.我宁愿坐着。
prefer sth to sth. 同…相比更喜欢… I prefer dogs to cats. 与猫相比
prefer doing to doing 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事
I prefer walking to sitting. 我宁愿走路也不愿坐着
prefer to do rather than do 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事
I prefer to work rather than be free. 我宁愿工作而不愿闲着。(我再次强调一
下,prefer 的用法真的很重要,这不是开玩笑~)
20. on the other hand 另一方面(一方面:on one hand. 对于这样的短语大家
21. 把…借给某人:lend sb. sth. == lend sth to sb.(反义词:borrow..from..)
Lily lent me her book == Lily lent her book to me . 莉莉把她的书借给了我。
22. such as 例如
23. I'm sorry to do sth. 对做某事我觉得很抱歉、伤心。
24. in a way 在某种程度说
25. in order to 为了…, 表目的。
He got up early in order to catch the first bus. 他起早床,是为了赶上头班公共
26. 同级比较:as…as
①as + 形容词/ 副词原级 + as , 表示“和…一样的…”“…和…一样的…” He works as hard as we. 他工作和我们同样努力。
九年级英语 Unit4 《I used to be afraid of the dark.》知识点
1. be more interested in 对…更感兴趣. 2. on the swim team 游泳队的队员. 3. be terrified of 害怕. 4. gym class 体操课. 5. worry about 担心. 6. all the time 一直, 总是
7. chat with 与…闲聊
8. hardly ever 几乎从不
9. walk to school =
go to school on foot 步行去上学
take the bus to school =
go to school by bus 乘车去上学
10. as well as 不仅…而且
1. I used to be afraid of the dark. 我过去常常前害怕黑暗.
2.I go to sleep with my bedroom light on. 我开着卧室的灯睡觉. 3. I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends. 以前我常常花很
多时间和我的朋友们玩游戏. 4. I hardly ever have time for concerts. 我几乎没有时间去听音乐会. 5. My lif e has changed a lot in the last few years. 6. It will make you stressed out. 那会使你紧张的. 7. It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot. 玉梅似乎变化很大.
1. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 (这个知识点考的很多,大家要注意这个
短语的意思,还要记着 used 后面用的是不定式 to do)
如:He used to play football after school. 放学后他过去常常踢足球。 2. 反意疑问句 (反义疑问句遵循这样一个原则,前肯定后否定,前否定后肯定)
①肯定陈述句+否定提问 如:Lily is a student, isn't she?
②否定陈述句+肯定提问 如:She doesn't come from China, does she?
③提问部分用代词而不用名词 如:Lily is a student, isn't she?
④陈述句中含有否定意义的词, 如:little, few, never, nothing, hardly 等,其
搞懂)。 如:
He knows little English, does he? 他一点也不懂英语,不是吗?
They hardly understood it, did they? 他们几乎不明白,不是吗?
3. play the piano 弹钢琴(play 后面如果跟乐器,大家记住,中间要加 the)
4. ①be interested in sth. 对…感兴趣
②be interested in doing sth. 对做…感兴趣(对于这两个用法大家一定要掌
如:He is interested in math, but he isn't interested in speaking English. 他对数
5. interested adj. 感兴趣的,指人对某事物感兴趣,往往主语是人
interesting adj.有趣的,指某事物/某人具有趣味,主语往往是物(对于
interested 和 interesting 要区分清楚,一个主语往往使人,一个主语往往是物)
6. still 仍然,还 如:I'm still a student. 7. dark 天黑
8. be terrified of sth. 害怕…… 如:I am terrified of the dog. be terrified of doing sth. 害怕做…… 如:I am terrified of speaking. 9. on 副词,其反义词 off
10. walk to somewhere : 步行到某处
11. spend 动词,表示“花费金钱、时间”(spend 和 pay for 它们的主语都是
①spend…on sth. 在某事上花费(金钱、时间)(重要考点)
②spend…doing sth. 花费(金钱、时间)去做某事 (重要考点,尤其要注
意动名词,也就是动词的 ing 形式,很容易出现在选择题中) 如:
He spends too much time on clothes. 他花费太多的时间在衣着
He spend 3 months building the bridge. 他花费了三个月去建这座桥。
Pay for :花费 如:I pay 10 yuan for the book. 我花了 10 元买这本书。
12. take : 动词 ,有“花费”的意思,常用的结构有:
take sb. … to do sth. 花费某人多长时间做什么事(在这个用法中,主语经常
是 it,这一点要清楚,大家仔细看一下下面的例子)。 如:It takes me a day to
read the book. 13. chat with sb. 与某人闲聊 如:I like to chat with him. 我喜欢和他
14. worry about sb./ sth. 担心某人/某事(重要考点,大多考它的意思) , worry 是动词
be worried about sb./sth. 担心某人/某事 , worried 是形容词
如:Don't worry about him. 不用担心他。
Mother is worried about her son. 妈妈担心他的儿子。
15. all the time 一直、始终
16. take sb. to + 地方:送/带某人去某个地方 如:
A person took him to the hospital. 一个人把他送到了医院。
17. hardly adv. 几乎不、没有。 hardly 修饰动词时,通常放在助动词、
助动词/情态动词+hardly ; hardly + 实义动词 如:
I can hardly understand them. 我几乎不能够明白他们。
I hardly have time to do it. 我几乎没有时间去做了。
18. miss v. 思念、想念、错过
19. in the last few years. 在过去的几年内,常与完成时连用 如:
I have lived in China in the last few years. 在过去的几年内我在中国住。
20. be different from 与…不同(常见考点,考的最多的是它的意思,大家只
21. how to swim :怎样游泳
不定式与疑问词连用:动词不定式可以和 what, which, how, where, when 等
引导的疑问句连用,构成不定式短语。 如:
The question is when to start. 问题是什么时候开始。
I don't know where to go. 我不知道去哪。
22. make sb./ sth. + 形容词 make you happy
make sb./ sth. + 动词原形 make him laugh
23. move to +地方:搬到某地 如:I moved to Beijing last year. 24. it seems that +从句 看起来好像…… (重要考点) 如:
It seems that he has changed a lot. 看起来他好像变了许多。
25. help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人(注意介词 with,在某方面帮助要
help sb. (to ) do sth. 帮某人做某事(to 经常省略)
She helped me with English. 她帮助我学英语。
She helped me (to) study English. 她帮助我学习英语。
26. fifteen-year-old :作形容词 ,15 岁的。(有一点要提醒大家,中间的 year
fifteen years old 指年龄, 15 岁。 如:
a fifteen-year-old boy 一个 15 岁的男孩
27. can't afford to do sth. 支付不起……
can't afford sth. 支付不起…
如:I can't afford to buy the car. I can't afford the car. 我买不起这个辆小车。
28. as + 形容词/副词+ as sb+could/can 尽某人的…能力 如:
Zhou run as fast as her could/can. 她尽她最快的能力去跑。
29. get into trouble with 遇到麻烦
30. in the end 最后
31. make a decision :下决定,下决心
32. to one's surprise :令某人惊讶(往往出现在完型中,让我们填 surprise)
如 to their surprise 令他们惊讶 to LiLei's surprise 令李雷惊讶
33. take pride in sth. 以…而自豪 如:
His father always take pride in him. 他的爸爸总是以他而自豪
34. pay attention to sth. 对…注意,留心 如:
You must pay attention to your friend. 你应该多注意你的朋友。
35. be able to do sth. 能做某事 如:
She is able to do it. 她能够做到。
36. give up doing sth. 放弃做某事 (注意 up 后面用的是动词的什么形式)
My father has given up smoking. 我爸爸已经放弃吸烟了。
37.不再 ①no more =no longer 如:
I play tennis no more.我不再打网球。
②not …any more = not …any longer 如:
I don't play tennis any longer. 我不再打网球。
38. go to sleep 入睡
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发布于:2019-09-07 14:27
