
2010-05-18 21:32 来自版块 - 


2010-05-06 21:08 来自版块 - 

大气中浓度升高引起的温室效应,可能改变土壤水分状况和矿质元素含量。为探究有关生态因子的变化对植物的影响,有人用同一环境中生长的两种植物,在温度、光照和水分等适宜条件下做了模拟试验,测得数据如表。下列相关分析,不正确的是项 目物 种355mol·mol-1的539mol·mo... 全文

2010-05-03 22:20 来自版块 - 

.在含有nmolFeBr2的溶液中,通入氯气,有xmolCl2发生反应。当Fe2+和Br-同时被氧化时,x与n的关系为__________。答案说是n/2<x<=3n/2 可是为什么不能>3n/2

2010-04-24 22:27 来自版块 - 

什么时候用倒装句?如The policeman came up to see what was the matter.为什么不用what the matter was?

2010-04-23 19:20 来自版块 - 

I found nothing wrong in what he _.A said B had said C saying D says

2010-04-23 19:12 来自版块 - 

根号(x-5)≠kx+2对一切x≥5都成立,则k的取值范围是________. k>1/10或k<2/5怎么算的是-2/5 。。。。有没有最简便的方法?

2010-04-22 21:35 来自版块 - 

.在区间[-1,1]上随机取一个数x,cos∏x/2的值介于0到之间的概率为( ).

2010-04-21 21:11 来自版块 - 


2010-04-18 20:30 来自版块 - 


2010-04-15 21:35 来自版块 - 

The villagers searched until midnight, to try_ to find the lost child.

2010-04-13 18:29 来自版块 - 

He got out of the car, walked_ to the nearest house and telephoned his friend for help.不是用walking吗?

2010-04-13 18:22 来自版块 - 

I spoke to him kindly _ him.?A to not frighten B so as not to frighten C in order to not frighten D for not frightening答案是B,C为什么不可以?

2010-04-13 18:19 来自版块 - 

protect sb.from disease prevent sb from disease

2010-04-11 23:10 来自版块 - 

He is not fit in the job, please get me someone else's.

2010-04-11 17:59 来自版块 - 

He _ get up early when he lived in the countryside.A would B used to C mustn't D can't

2010-04-11 17:47 来自版块 - 


2010-04-10 17:56 来自版块 - 


2010-04-08 19:33 来自版块 - 

"My father will be here tomorrow." "Oh, I thought that he came_ today."

2010-04-08 18:42 来自版块 - 

一直线上有依次OABCD五点,一物体从O点出发做匀加速直线运动,经过AB=d两点CD=d两点所用时间分别为t1.t2 BC=L,求物体经过A点时的速度,即物体的加速度

2010-04-06 19:48 来自版块 - 
