1. 以10m/s的速度匀速行驶的汽车,刹车后做匀减速直线运动。若汽车刹车后第2s内的位移为6.25m,则刹车后6s内汽车的位移是多少?

2009-01-28 18:32 来自版块 - 

为什么在简单学习论坛里的 答疑解惑 中,文综综合在一起,而理综却分出来高三物理,高三生物,高三化学?我觉的分出来好点```````

2008-08-17 15:50 来自版块 - 

251. The famous basketball star, ______ tried to make a comeback, attracted a lot of attention. A. where B. when C. which D. who25... 全文

2008-08-14 14:31 来自版块 - 

定语从句精练300题(5)201. “Who Moved My Cheese ?”, ______ is a best –selling book , is written by Spencer Johnson. A. which B. that ... 全文

2008-08-14 14:30 来自版块 - 

定语从句精练300题(4)151. I was so eager to leave that when I stood in the hall, ready to leave, I didn’t even think of saying good-bye to the frien... 全文

2008-08-14 14:28 来自版块 - 

101. The doctor ______ she sent her friend is very famous. A. to whom B. to whose C. whom D. at whom102. The day ______ you a... 全文

2008-08-14 14:26 来自版块 - 

定语从句精练300题(2)51. She showed me the dictionary ______ she paid a lot of money. A. by which B. to which C. for which D. on... 全文

2008-08-14 13:25 来自版块 - 

1. We should learn from those ______ are always ready to help others. A. who B. whom C. they D. that2. Mr. Herpin... 全文

2008-08-14 13:21 来自版块 - 


