
2011-05-13 23:12 来自版块 - 

政治生活,经济,哲学,文化生活 利比亚撤侨有何意义?

2011-05-13 23:02 来自版块 - 

设三角形ABC的内角所对的边长分别是a b c,且1/a,1/b,1/c成等差数列,则B是锐角,为啥?

2010-05-28 23:14 来自版块 - 

设三角形ABC的内角所对的边长分别是a b c,且1/a,1/b,1/c成等差数列,则B是锐角,为啥?

2010-05-28 23:13 来自版块 - 

在半径为R的球内有一内接正三棱锥,他的底面三个顶点恰好都在同一个大圆上,一个动点从三棱锥的一个顶点出发沿球面运动,经过其他三点后返回,则经过的最短路程是( )

2010-05-28 23:08 来自版块 - 

点P是直线x-y+1=0上的动点,过P作圆x方+Y方-4x+3=0的切线,则切线长的最小值是( )

2010-05-28 23:01 来自版块 - 

过椭圆左焦点F且倾斜角为60的直线交椭圆于A和B两点,若FA=3/2FB,则椭圆的离心率等于( )

2010-05-28 22:55 来自版块 - 


2010-04-06 23:06 来自版块 - 

Tire as we were,we were happy. 对吗?

2010-03-23 22:15 来自版块 - 

Tire as we were,we were happy. 对吗?

2010-03-23 22:13 来自版块 - 

drop of a line otherothersthe otherthe others这是啥意思?

2009-10-26 23:11 来自版块 - 

He has won the first place, as is clear from the expression on his face.The number of the cattle here, as is mentioned above , has been limi... 全文

2009-10-16 22:58 来自版块 - 


2009-09-20 23:17 来自版块 - 


2009-09-20 23:13 来自版块 - 

Mr.Tom changed his mind to take part in the movement?________?After he listened to the speech by Mr.King. B When was it that为何选B?

2009-09-14 22:48 来自版块 - 

Mr.Tom changed his mind to take part in the movement?________?After he listened to the speech by Mr.King. B When was it that为何选B?

2009-09-14 22:48 来自版块 - 

Mr.Tom changed his mind to take part in the movement?________?After he listened to the speech by Mr.King. B When was it that为何选B?

2009-09-14 22:47 来自版块 - 

有点英语不会,请求帮助!谢谢!Mr.Tom changed his mind to take part in the movement?________?After he listened to the speech by Mr.King. B When was... 全文

2009-09-14 22:47 来自版块 - 

有点英语不会,请求帮助!谢谢!Mr.Tom changed his mind to take part in the movement?________?After he listened to the speech by Mr.King. B When was... 全文

2009-09-14 22:47 来自版块 - 

Mr.Tom changed his mind to take part in the movement?________?After he listened to the speech by Mr.King. B When was it that为何选B??

2009-09-11 23:06 来自版块 - 
