My favorite article is ------- I wrote about the effort to bring stolen cultural retics back to China.A that B one C what D ... 全文

2009-03-14 21:33 来自版块 - 

must have done(仅肯定) 过去一定做过might have done 可能做过 may have done (仅肯、否) 过去也许做过may not have done 过去可能没有做过c... 全文

2009-03-05 22:02 来自版块 - 

Some children want to challenge themselves by learning a language different from ----- their parents speak at home. A what B that C ... 全文

2009-03-05 21:51 来自版块 - 

Meral streep is highly thought of for her role act as an angle这句怎么改?我觉得有两处不对!!

2009-03-01 20:48 来自版块 - 

Mrs brown was disappointed to see the washing machine she had had _______went wrong repair B.being repained C.repa... 全文

2008-12-14 21:00 来自版块 - 

The little girl is generally healthy,but every now and then she ______ a cold.A.has caught catching C.will catch D... 全文

2008-12-14 20:20 来自版块 - 

我英语的基础不好!!我觉得和我不背单词有关系!我记得老师说过:单词不是万能的,但不背单词是万万不能的!!可我已经落下很多了,是不是现在有点晚了!!很愁~~~~~每次英语都给我拉分!有时很羡慕别人,尤其理科生英语还那么强!!刚才看了小暧说得方法,不知对我有用没。先试试吧!! ... 全文

2008-12-06 22:25 来自版块 - 

-------- he ask you about his daughter, what would you tell him? A.Should B.If C.When DShall我不清楚为什么选A 关于这类题是不翻译很重要... 全文

2008-11-15 22:38 来自版块 - 
