That's all that i want to say 和 That's all waht i want to say.哪个队,怎么分析的? All what is hard to do good all one's life.这里的All w... 全文

2012-04-09 16:05 来自版块 - 


2010-10-11 20:37 来自版块 - 

谢谢了 麻烦了

2010-10-05 11:19 来自版块 - 

1 函数是递增的,那么 它的写成 导数≥0 还是 导数>0 ? 求原因2 函数 f(x)=log9[x+8-(a/x)] 在[1,+∞)上是增函数,求a的取值范围 请用导数方法求,因为里面涉及到我提的问题1 谢谢,辛苦了!

2010-09-30 17:37 来自版块 - 

1.Canada is a country ____many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants____the majority of its population. 答案是consis... 全文

2010-09-29 12:26 来自版块 - 

如题 老师讲的没听懂 求助

2010-09-12 12:34 来自版块 - 
