4、关于 的方程 |x^2 - 4x + 3 | - a = 0 有三个不相等的实数根,则实数 的值是_________________。

2010-04-23 23:50 来自版块 - 

4、关于 的方程 |x^2 - 4x + 3 | - a = 0 有三个不相等的实数根,则实数 的值是_________________。

2010-03-07 10:55 来自版块 - 

4、关于 的方程 |x^2 - 4x + 3 | - a = 0 有三个不相等的实数根,则实数 的值是_________________。

2009-09-06 22:10 来自版块 - 

1 。what is the matter with della ?well ,her parents would not allow her to go the party ,but she still ( A )A hopes to B hope... 全文

2009-09-04 23:52 来自版块 - 

1. |(X-3)/(X-1)|<3的解集是__________2. 解关于X的不等式:log1/2[a^2x-(ab)^x-2b^2x-1]<0 (a>0,b<0) 注1/2为底数,^为指数符号谢谢老师!!

2009-09-02 21:37 来自版块 - 

10.(2005安徽卷32)Great changes have taken place in that school. It is no longer ____ it was 20 years ago, _____ it was so poorly equipped. A... 全文

2009-08-26 19:45 来自版块 - 


2009-08-25 23:55 来自版块 - 

3、Is this the house ___C___ Shakespeare was born?A、at which B、which C、in which D、at where4、Is this house ___A___ Shakespeare was bo... 全文

2009-07-18 15:43 来自版块 - 

2、It was in 1969 _____ two Americans got to the moon by space ship.It was 1969 ______ two Americans got to the moon by space ship.A、when ... 全文

2009-07-17 16:42 来自版块 - 


