某合金中铜和铁的物质的量均为0.3mol,将其全部投入b mL.4mol每升的硝酸溶液中,使其充分反应(假设NO是唯一的还原产物)。(1)若金属有剩余,其质量为m1 g,在溶液中在滴入稀硫酸后,神域金属为m2 g,则m1与m2的关系为m1___m2(填“>”,“<”或... 全文

2011-08-10 20:49 来自版块 - 


2011-08-10 00:05 来自版块 - 

compare yourself now with and try to cxceed past achievements so that you can make progress step by step.A, what you used to be B, w... 全文

2011-08-09 23:59 来自版块 - 

I don't expect you can finish the work in three days,()?A.don't you B. do I C. can you D.can't you请老师详解一下反义疑问句,各种类型的

2011-08-07 00:01 来自版块 - 


2011-08-06 23:55 来自版块 - 


2011-08-06 23:48 来自版块 - 

The nely built cafe ,the walls of are painted light green ,is really a peaceful place for us,specially after hard work.A that ... 全文

2011-08-06 01:10 来自版块 - 

as /which26. Wishing to get a million in the lottery, many among us now do,is simply foolish.A. which B. what C. ... 全文

2011-08-04 01:59 来自版块 - 

Just as the soil is a part of the earth,( )the atmosphere A.as it is B.the same is C.so is D.and so is 不是连接两个简单句必须有连接词吗?为什么选C啊

2011-08-03 23:10 来自版块 - 

At 20,Steve left his hometown,( ) not to return without realizing his dreamA.determing B.determined您看我分析的对吗答案是B 可以理解为是be determined to do我... 全文

2011-08-03 23:05 来自版块 - 


2011-08-02 22:01 来自版块 - 


2011-08-02 17:32 来自版块 - 

29.There are eight tips in Dr Roger’s lecture on —sleep, and one of them is : to bed early unless you think it is necessary.A. doesn’t g... 全文

2011-08-02 16:40 来自版块 - 

29.There are eight tips in Dr Roger’s lecture on —sleep, and one of them is : to bed early unless you think it is necessary.A. doesn’t g... 全文

2011-08-02 16:37 来自版块 - 

有I think not 吗 它和I hope not 哪个符合规律 我以前记得和那天老师讲的不一样

2011-07-29 19:15 来自版块 - 
