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更多 发布于:2015-11-19 21:13



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发布于:2015-11-29 14:53
Shanghai children prove money smarts

Shanghai, the financial center of China, sure has raised some money-savvy children.


Ninety-two percent of Shanghai primary school students who took a recent test of their money smarts showed an understanding of financial management, and some even knew a thing or two about stocks and debts.


The FQ, or Financial Quotient, test was conducted on Wednesday at three primary schools. It was designed to measure the students’ ability to handle money, their understanding of spending and saving, and their knowledge of family finances and investment.


One 8-year-old could identify six ways to make money - including investing in the stock and real estate markets, selling old toys and getting good grades, said Xu Ting, head of the FQ Lab at Ant Fortune, the mobile financing platform of Alibaba Group Holding.


The students scored 73 percent on average, surpassing the organizer’s assumptions about what children might be expected to understand about money management, Xu said. Twenty-six percent of the 200 test takers, who were ages 8 to 11, scored over 80 points, and only 8 percent notched under 60.


Asked about managing a New Year’s money gift, 61 percent of the students said they would deposit the money in the bank, while 31 percent said they would give it to their parents for investment. One student said he would lend the money to relatives to buy property - and charge interest.


Not all of the students who were tested had received financial education. Money education there is integrated into classes to teach students responsibility, teacher Xue Lei said.


"It’s mostly to help the students to manage their pocket money," Xue said.


Lao Kaisheng, a professor of education at Capital Normal University, shrugged off the test as more commercial than scientific. But it’s clear that modern parents are conscious of money management and want their children to spend-and save-wisely.

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发布于:2015-11-28 19:36
Turkey warns Russia not to ’play with fire’ as jet row escalates further

Turkish president warns Russia not to ’play with fire’ after Putin suggested Su-24 jet was shot down after America passed on details of its flight path


Moscow slapped sanctions on Ankara on Friday as the war of words over a downed Russian warplane escalated, with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warning Russia not to "play with fire." Russia announced it was halting a visa-free regime for Turkish visitors, after threatening a raft of retaliatory economic measures to punish the NATO member state. Erdogan nevertheless said he wanted a direct meeting with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin when the two leaders are in Paris next week for the U.N. climate summit. But Moscow responded coolly, saying Turkey has yet to apologize for shooting down the jet on the Syrian border.


It is playing with fire to go as far as mistreating our citizens who have gone to Russia. We really attach a lot of importance to our relations with Russia. ... We don’t want these relations to suffer harm in any way. Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan Relations between the former Cold War antagonists are at their lowest in recent memory. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Turkey had "crossed the line of what is acceptable" and warned the incident could severely undermine both its national and regional interests. Moscow has ruled out any military response but has pledged broad measures targeting entire sectors of the Turkish economy including tourism, agriculture and possibly key energy projects. The tug-of-war between the two countries has been driven by a clash of their leaders’ personal ambitions.


The international community should earnestly strengthen coordination and cooperation in the fight against terrorism to avoid this kind of incident from happening again.

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发布于:2015-11-27 19:02
Turkey pardon saves Honest, Abe: Obama saves birds in time for Thanksgiving

Just a day before Americans across the country sit down to celebrate Thanksgiving with turkey dinners, Obama was on hand to reveal the turkeys whose lives would be spared. He also rolled out an array of his signature dad jokes, such as, "Time flies, even if turkeys don’t."


As is tradition, the president was accompanied by his daughters, Malia and Sasha, for the occasion.

"They do this solely because it makes me feel good, not because they actually think this is something I should be doing, and as you get older you appreciate when your kids just indulge you like this and I am grateful for this," Obama said.


This year, there were two turkeys up for the title of the National Thanksgiving Turkey, and Americans were able to vote on Twitter for which bird should be crowned the winner. While there could only be one winner, both turkeys were pardoned by the president, though only one got the privilege of gracing his presence.


"America is a country of second chances and this turkey has earned his spot to live a second chance," Obama said.


The turkeys were dubbed "Honest" and "Abe" by schoolchildren in California. The Twitter contest was a close race, but Abe came out on top with 55 percent of the vote.


While the two turkeys are both originally from California’s Central Valley, they will not be returning to the Golden State, but rather will be spending the rest of their lives on a farm in Virginia.


While Obama candidly admitted he agreed with those who think the annual event is a little ridiculous, he did close out the ceremony on a more serious note as he wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.


"We go through challenging times, so often the news of the day can make folks discouraged," the president said, "but the fact is that we live in the greatest country on earth and we are blessed in so many ways."

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发布于:2015-11-25 20:59
Turkey ’downs Russian warplane on Syria border’

The Turkish military have reportedly shot down a Russian military aircraft on the border with Syria.


Russia’s defence ministry said an Su-24 had crashed on Syrian territory after being hit by fire from the ground, and that its pilots had managed to eject.


But Turkish military officials said Turkish F-16s had shot down the plane after repeatedly warning its pilots they were violating Turkish airspace.


Video footage showed the plane crashing into mountains in Latakia province.


Russia launched an air campaign to bolster Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government in late September.


The Russian defence ministry confirmed on Tuesday morning that a Russian Su-24 had "crashed on Syrian territory, having been hit from the ground" while it was flying at an altitude of 6,000m (19,685ft).


"Efforts are being made to ascertain what happened to the pilots. According to preliminary reports, the pilots have managed to self-eject," the ministry was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency.


This is exactly the kind of incident that many have feared since Russia launched its air operations in Syria. The dangers of operating near to the Turkish border have been all too apparent. Turkish planes have already shot down at least one Syrian air force jet and possibly a helicopter as well.


Russia insists that its warplane did not violate Turkish air space. So, was the Russian pilot’s navigation wrong? Questions will also be asked about the readiness of the Turks to open fire.


It suggests that the much discussed arrangements to avoid incidents between warplanes over Syria are inadequate. The Turkish authorities will no doubt claim that such arrangements do not cover the approaches to their own airspace where tried and tested procedures should apply.


There are conflicting reports as to whether it was ground fire or Turkish jets that brought down the Russian plane. Air operations in the crowded skies over Syria just got a good deal more complicated. The only mitigating factor is that initial reports suggest that two parachutes were seen so the Russian crew at least got out of their stricken aircraft. Expect diplomatic fireworks.


The ministry stressed that "throughout its flight, the aircraft remained exclusively above Syrian territory", adding: "Objective monitoring data shows it."


However, Turkish military officials said its F-16s had fired on an unidentified aircraft after warning it 10 times in the space of five minutes about violating Turkish airspace.


The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based monitoring group, said the warplane crashed in a mountainous area of Latakia province, where air strikes and fighting between rebels and Syrian government forces had been reported earlier on Tuesday.


Qatar-based Al Jazeera TV quoted an ethnic Turkmen rebel group as saying it had captured one of the Su-24’s two pilots and were "looking for the other".


Russian aircraft have flown hundreds of sorties over northern Syria since September. Moscow says they have targeted only "terrorists", but activists say its strikes have mainly hit Western-backed rebel groups.


Turkey, a staunch critic of Mr Assad, has warned against violations of its airspace by Russian and Syrian aircraft.


Last month, Ankara said Turkish F-16s had intercepted a Russian jet that crossed its border and two Turkish jets had been harassed by an unidentified Mig-29.

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发布于:2015-11-23 21:29
China defends building projects on disputed islands

China has defended its construction of infrastructure on disputed islands in the South China Sea.


It said it did not intend to militarise the area and accused the US of provocations by sending a navy ship through the area last month.


The comments by a Chinese vice foreign minister came on the sidelines of the annual Asean summit in Kuala Lumpur.


China claims most of the South China Sea as its territory, but four South-East Asian states also claim parts.


On Wednesday, US President Barack Obama called on China to stop land reclamation in the disputed waters.


China has repeatedly said its work is legal.


The land reclamation, which began in late 2013, has turned submerged reefs into islands.


Responsible global leader?


"Building and maintaining necessary military facilities, this is what is required for China’s national defence and for the protection of those islands and reefs," said Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin.


China planned to "expand and upgrade" civilian facilities on the islands, he said, "to better serve commercial ships, fishermen, to help distressed vessels and provide more public services", Mr Liu added.


This year has seen increasingly vocal opposition by Vietnam and the Philippines, backed now by Japan and the US, to China’s construction of buildings, jetties and airstrips on the islands, the BBC’s Jonathan Head in Kuala Lumpur says.


"The world is watching," to see if Beijing will behave like a "responsible global leader", Philippines President Benigno Aquino told leaders at the summit hours earlier.


In response, China’s Prime Minister, Li Keqiang, warned countries outside the region not to inflame tension.


He also called for direct negotiations to resolve the dispute.


But Vietnam and the Philippines want the issue to be dealt with at a regional or international level, says our correspondent.

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发布于:2015-11-22 09:15
Li’s Malaysia visit set to strengthen ties

China and Malaysia, two neighbours facing each other across the sea, enjoy a time-honoured friendship. During the Ming Dynasty (14th-?17th century), Zheng He, a Chinese navigator, came to Malacca five times on seven sea voyages.

Today, China and Malaysia are each other’s trustworthy friend. The leaders of our two countries visit each other often and maintain close communication.

Economically, we have had much to offer each other in win-win cooperation. Our bilateral trade has topped US$100bil (RM436.6bil). China has been Malaysia’s largest trading partner for seven years straight, and Malaysia is now China’s biggest trading partner among Asean countries.

People in our two countries are eager to learn from and help each other. In both China and Malaysia, badminton is a popular sport. The names of world-class players such as Lin Dan and Lee Chong Wei are known to almost every household.

As competitors and athletes aspiring for excellence, they battle each other on the badminton course. After the games, they are good friends who exchange text greetings on festivals.

China’s great poet Li Bai of the Tang Dynasty (7th-10th century) once wrote of friendship that “true friendship is revealed through adversity, and success becomes nothing when it is not shared”.

A Malaysian saying carries something of a similar effect: Bukit sama didaki, lurah sama dituruni (together we will climb the mountains and together we will cross the valleys).”

In times of adversity, China and Malaysia have always stood with and supported each other.

China has set the goal to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by 2020. It has much in common with Malaysia’s Vision 2020.

As China is advancing the initiative of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, encouraging mass entrepreneurship and innovation, and transforming and upgrading its economic structure, Malaysia is gearing toward all-round economic transformation with the New Economic Model aimed at more robust growth.

China-Asean relations are a major cornerstone for peace, stability, development and prosperity in the region.

Sincerity, friendship, mutual benefit and win-win outcomes were what Zheng He stood for when his ships took him to Malacca. They are still the principles guiding the growth of China-Malaysia relations today. They represent the trend of the times and aspiration of the people, not only in China and Malaysia but region-wide. It is our common goal that deserves our common effort.
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发布于:2015-11-21 10:02
Company builds world’s first automobile vending machine
汽车自动贩卖机 投币取车成现实

Thanks to used-car website Carvana, it is now possible to buy your own set of wheels at the touch of a button, from the world’s first and only coin-operated car vending machine in Nashville, Tennessee. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s err… not cheap, but cheaper than buying a car the old fashioned way.

The company has been working on the concept for the past two years – their original car vending machine was installed in Atlanta in 2013. But they’ve spent time on improving the design, in order to take user experience to the next level. “Our new Vending Machine is a state-of-the-art, multi-story structure that delivers our customers’ cars by merely inserting a custom coin,” said Carvana CEO Ernie Garcia.

The machine consists of a five-story glass tower that can hold up to 20 cars at a time. Inside the tower are a ‘welcome center’, an automated delivery system, and three delivery bays. The tower basically serves as a pickup point for used cars that customers purchase through the website, enabling competitive pricing and eliminating delivery costs.

Clients can access a long list of specifications, ratings, reviews, and lots of other details about the cars they’re interested in on the Carvana website. They even get virtual tours that point out every nick and scratch on the body of the car. Once the car is chosen and paid for, the company usually delivers the car to the customer for a seven-day trial period. This usually means that the delivery costs are worked into the price of the vehicle.

But with the Vending Machine, customers are able to go pick up their cars straight away. It’s a win-win model that allows Carvana to cut down on staff and overhead, and save customers about $2,000 as well. According to the company, it also makes for a great buying experience – placing an oversized coin in a slot and watching their car roll down automatically.

“Carvana’s mission is to create a better way to buy a car, and this new Vending Machine will be a one-of-a-kind experience that mirrors just how simple and easy we’ve made it to buy a car online,” Garcia said. He added that the company plans to build more car vending machines in the future.

Oh and in case you’re wondering, no, you can’t shake it to get a car for free.
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发布于:2015-11-20 20:04
China demands US stop "provocations" in South China Sea

 China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy commander Wu Shengli on Thursday called on the United States to stop its "provocations" in the South China Sea.
The Chinese navy, "bearing the bigger picture of bilateral ties in mind," had exercised "maximum restraint" in the face of US provocations, Admiral Wu of the People’s Liberation Army’s Navy told Admiral Scott Swift, commander of the US Pacific Fleet, in a meeting in Beijing.
He was referring to recent US maneuvers near Chinese islands and reefs in the South China Sea without the permission of the Chinese government. The Chinese navy had been closely monitoring those "provocative acts" and had given warnings on several occasions, Wu said.
The Chinese admiral urged the US to cherish the "good development" of ties between the countries, and "control" its maritime military operations.
Wu commended Admiral Swift’s welcome visit to China as a sign that both sides attach great importance to the development and maintaining of the new type of major-country and military relations between the two sides.
The visit will contribute positively to the deepening of practical cooperation between the two navies and to the alleviation of tensions in the South China Sea as well as safeguarding regional peace and stability, he said.
But recent maneuvers by US aircraft and naval vessels near Chinese islands and reefs in the South China Sea in the name of "freedom of navigation and aviation" have been a sheer provocation to China’s sovereign rights and posed grave threats to the security of islands and reefs in the South China Sea, Wu said.
"The US conduct does not contribute to peace and stability in the South China Sea whatsoever," he said, "The US cannot impose its own claims on other nations. It cannot sabotage other nations’ sovereignty and security."
The Chinese admiral went on to defend China’s island building in the South China Sea as "sensible, reasonable and legitimate," adding that Chinese and US navies should view their differences rationally, and avoid "situations of exigency."
Admiral Swift, for his part, said the US navy does not want the South China Sea to become an issue disrupting ties between the two sides, expressing hope that the two navies could maintain high-level exchanges and hold more joint drills.
The navies should also improve implementation of the Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea, to preclude misunderstandings and misjudgment and avoid maritime and aerial accidents, Swift said.
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发布于:2015-11-19 22:26
