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更多 发布于:2021-09-11 10:56
It's a pity that I didn't borrow his name on my school uniform.

那个笑起来很好看的男孩子经常在看到我时扯我头发 上课时用笔戳我后背 同学聚餐和我一起要清汤底的男同学 直到毕业我也没有和他说出那句我喜欢你.
The boy with a nice smile often pulled my hair when he saw me and poked me in the back with a pen in class. The boy with whom I asked for a clear soup base at class dinner.

中考结束那天 没能和你拥抱不曾想当日一别竟是永远.
The end of the day did not hug you did not think that the day was a don't be forever.

那天物理晚自习 你问我会不会这个题的时候 我真该说我不会 勇敢的承认自己的不足并没有什么大不了的.
When you asked me whether I could do this, I really should have said that it was not a big deal that I would not be brave enough to admit my own shortcomings.

我现在大学刚毕业即将奔赴另一个城市 开启新的求学路 我最遗憾的是在高中结束以后 没有勇气向高中恋暗恋三年的男生说出那句话 我们就这样错过了 但是他依然惊艳了时光 是我青春年少里最美好的记忆.
Now I have just graduated from college and will go to another city to start a new way of study. What I regret most is that I did not have the courage to say the words to the boy who had been in love with him for three years in high school after the end of high school. We just missed him, but he was still amazing.

最遗憾的莫过于那年夏天 毕业了没有毕业照 没说句再见就莫名其妙的毕业了 没有一起好好的聚会 没有一个深深的拥抱 没来得及说一句珍重 我们就这样各奔东西地踏上了各自的旅程.
The most regrettable than that summer graduated without graduation photos did not say goodbye on the puzzling graduation did not have a good party together without a deep hug did not have time to say a treasure we so each rush thing to embark on their own journey.


I've been spying on him for two months unless something goes wrong.

 “遗憾的是我再也见不到晚自习时窗外的晚霞和你扭过头来的那一笑”"It is a pity that I can no longer see the sunset glow outside the window and the smile when you turn your head when studying at night."

“下一个夏天 教室里又会坐满了人 可惜不再是我们”
"Next summer the classroom will be full of people but it won't be us."

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发布于:2023-01-21 01:00
